Employment weekly highlights—13 February 2025
This edition of Employment weekly highlights includes: (1) an EAT judgment upholding a tribunal’s finding that an employee who failed to disclose a previous gross misconduct dismissal on a free-text employment history section of a job application form was fairly dismissed, (2) the Court of Appeal’s highly anticipated judgment in Higgs v Farmor’s School, concluding that the claimant’s dismissal for Facebook posts criticising the nature of sex education in schools, including the teaching of gender fluidity and same-sex marriage, was discriminatory, (3) an employment tribunal decision that Voodoo is a religion and Voodooism a religious belief, but a belief in the power of the Voodoo Doll is not, (4) the Information Commissioner’s Office latest guidance on keeping employment records, (5) the IRLR Highlights for March 2025, (6) dates for your diary, and (7) other news items of interest to employment practitioners.