Ireland—Claims against directors—key and illustrative decisionsThis Practice Note summarises a number of key and illustrative cases relevant to claims...
Ireland—Appeals from the Circuit CourtSTOP PRESS: SI No 161/2024 Rules of the Superior Courts (Order 61) 2024 (Ireland) amends Order 61 of the Rules...
Mediation Directive—implementationSTOP PRESS: The information on national transposition measures stated below, are based on the information available...
Ireland—Settling at a mediationThis Practice Note considers the factors involved in settling a claim at a mediation as distinct from other times that...
Ireland—Legal costs in civil proceedingsThis Practice Note provides an outline of the law in relation to legal costs in civil proceedings in Ireland....
Commercial contracts—Australia—Q&A guideThis Practice Note contains a jurisdiction-specific Q&A guide to commercial contracts in Australia published...
Rome I—scope, exclusions and general provisionsThis Practice Note is for use when determining applicable law where the contract was entered into on or...
The Service Regulation (recast)This Practice Note considers the key provisions of Regulation (EU) 2020/1784, the Service Regulation (recast) relating...
Brussels I (recast)—application to the UK post IP completion day (jurisdiction)This Practice Note considers the impact of the UK leaving the EU on the...