Environmental offences

Environmental offences

Environmental crime includes all offences created either by statute or developed under the common law that relate to the environment eg littering, abandoned vehicles, graffiti, fly posting, dog fouling, fly tipping, dumped business waste, vandalism, abandoned shopping trolleys and noise nuisance. Some of the most common ways of committing an environmental offence include:

  1. causing pollution

  2. knowingly permitting pollution

  3. breach of statutory duty

  4. breach of an authorisation (eg a permit)

  5. breach of a prohibition

  6. failure to comply with a notice

See Practice Note: An introductory guide to environmental criminal liability which provides an introduction to criminal liability for environmental offences and the stages of the criminal process from pre-prosecution to sentencing. It highlights common environmental offences, explains the key principles of environmental liability including strict liability, corporate liability and liability of directors and senior managers and provides an overview of environmental crime enforcement.

The main offences covered in this subtopic relate to noise, waste and water. See Practice Notes:

  1. Meaning of waste—what is waste?

  2. Waste duty of care—controlled waste

  3. Waste types and controls—controlled waste

  4. Waste duty of care—extractive waste

  5. Unauthorised

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