Luxury London florist gets imitators assets frozen
Law360, London: A high-end London florist has secured an asset freeze against a British national who set up a company allegedly imitating the bouquet delivery service's business.
This Overview contains links to:
Precedent definitions and clauses commonly used in IP agreements, and
Precedent IP definitions and clauses used in other types of agreements, eg employment contracts and asset and share purchase agreements
For Precedent boilerplate commercial clauses and standard definitions which may be used in IP agreements, see: Boilerplate clauses—overview and Definitions—overview.
For a summary of the law, guidance and practice upon execution of documents, along with standard execution clauses, see: Execution—overview.
For IP definitions, see Precedents:
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) definition
Background IP and Foreground IP definitions
Copyright definition
Design definition
Goodwill definition
Know-how definition
Patent definition
Trade Mark definition
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