Jon Whittle Consulting Ltd



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Jon Whittle
Development Director
Jon Whittle Consulting Ltd
Contributions by Jon Whittle Consulting Ltd Experts


Strategy review form—legal teams
Strategy review form—legal teams

This Precedent allows you to collect the opinions of your legal team leaders in advance of a strategy review day. There are similar Precedents for partners, operational team leads and all staff, plus a Precedent to help you collate the responses and identify key themes.

Strategy review form—operational team leads
Strategy review form—operational team leads

This Precedent allows you to collect the opinions of your operational team leads (Finance, L&D, business development etc) in advance of a strategy review day. There are similar Precedents for partners, team leads and other staff, plus a Precedent to help you collate the responses and identify key themes.

Strategy review form—partners
Strategy review form—partners

This Precedent allows you to collect the opinions of your partnership group in advance of a strategy review day. There are similar Precedents for operational heads, team leads and other staff, plus a Precedent to help you collate the responses and identify key themes.

Strategy review forms summary
Strategy review forms summary

This Precedent can be used to prepare a summary of the strategy review forms completed by four different groups: partners, operational heads, legal team leads and other staff. It is intended to inform discussion at a strategy away day and should be completed in advance.

Strategy—action plan and timeline
Strategy—action plan and timeline

This Precedent action plan and timeline provides a structure for arranging a strategy away day and preparing the firm’s strategic aims document. It has 12 steps and links to relevant Precedents for each step. This Precedent is supported by, and dovetails with, a more detailed Precedent strategy away day logistics planner for the away day itself.

Summary of SWOT feedback
Summary of SWOT feedback

This Precedent enables you to create a summary of feedback on your firm's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) from the four groups who have completed the strategy review forms: partners, operational heads, legal teams and other staff. This Precedent should be completed in advance of your strategy away day.

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