Hannigan and Prentice: The Companies Act 2006 - A Commentary Second edition contains some of the most far-reaching changes in company law for more than 150 years.
Butterworths Company Secretarial Procedures and Precedents (Pay-As-You-Go Subscription) provides company directors, company secretaries and their advisers with a complete range of template documents and contractual clauses.
This book is the definitive authority on company law.
Buckley on the Companies Acts 15th edition is the leading practitioner annotated guide to companies legislation, comprising detailed expert commentary on the Companies Act 2006 and how it applies.
This concise monthly newsletter provides comprehensive coverage of company secretarial duties, company law, corporate governance, corporate reporting, pensions, health and safety, tax, employment law, accounting and auditing and much more.
Tolley's Company Law Service is a complete reference service on CD-ROM and Looseleaf which offers expert commentary and guidance on all aspects of company and corporate insolvency law and best practice. It provides practical analysis of company law, geared to the everyday legal needs of businesses and their professional advisers.
Each chapter provides a thorough discussion of the law, cites relevant cases and puts the legal issues into a practical business context. Thoroughly indexed and cross-referenced, it offers an ideal solution when in-depth reading and research is required.