Published: 30 June, 2011
Anti-social Behaviour Law (Jordan Publishing) covers both general powers to deal with anti-social behaviour and specific powers to tackle particular problems. There are sections dedicated to landlords' and landowners' remedies, the maintenance of the local environment, and the difficult issue of dealing with children and parents. Useful appendices include up-to-date statutory provisions, a list of ASBO prohibitions, and government guidance and relevant websites.
This new edition includes new chapters on Closure Notices, Gang Injunctions, and Nuisance on NHS premises as well as a new section on Drinking Banning Orders. It considers the changes brought about by the Crime and Security Act 2010 and the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 as well as the ongoing operation of existing legislation, together with recent case-law and other developments such as government guidance. It also looks at the proposed changes to ASBOs and related orders.
Anti-social Behaviour Law is essential reading for solicitors and barristers specialising in this area of law, professionals dealing with anti-social behaviour issues in local authorities, RSLs and housing trusts, the police, Youth Offending Teams and schools.
This second edition is considerably larger than the first and this reflects the continuing attention that the subject of anti-social behaviour has received both from the legislature and from the courts. If the basic principles are now well-established, their application in particular cases can remain contentious. Successive governments have both amended existing legislation and introduced new tools to address anti-social behaviour since the first edition of this book. Read the full preface...
Anti-social behaviour by adults and young people brings misery and havoc to the communities in which it occurs. In recent years we have taken great steps towards tackling this by giving public bodies the powers they need to take action and to ensure the unacceptable behaviour of a few individuals and families towards those around them is not allowed to go unchecked. I have made it a priority for this government to continue this work and to do even more to strengthen communities by promoting the values of respect and responsibility. Read the full foreword...
Foreword to the First Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Table of Statutory Instruments
Table of Abbreviations
Relevant Bodies, Powers and Duties
Evidential Considerations
Part II - General Powers for Dealing with Anti-social Behaviour
Powers of Police Officers and Police Civilians and General Criminal Offences
Anti-social Behaviour Orders
Local Authority Injunctions under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 211
Part III - Landlords’ and Landowners’ Remedies and Nuisance/Misuse of Land
Landlords’ Remedies
Landowners’ Remedies and Property Remedies
Closure Notices
Noise and Statutory Nuisances
Part IV - Children
Remedies Specifically for Children and Young Persons
Remedies Against Parents
Education Remedies: Schools and Local Education Authorities
Part V - Specific Remedies
Alcohol and Public Drunkenness
Drug Dens
Graffiti and Fly-posting
Litter, Fly-tipping and Household Waste
Motor Vehicles, Taxis, Bicycles etc
Obstructions on the Highway and Annoyances in the Street
Prostitution and Related Issues
Nuisance or Disturbance on Hospital Premises
Gang Injunctions