Gardner Leader LLP



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Alastair Goggins
Gardner Leader LLP
Ashleigh Wong
Senior Associate
Gardner Leader LLP
Chris Felton
Gardner Leader LLP
Hilary Messer
Gardner Leader LLP
Katie Dyson
Gardner Leader LLP
Michael Axe
Gardner Leader LLP
Michelle Di Gioia
Gardner Leader LLP
Contributions by Gardner Leader LLP Experts


Gafta—appeals under Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125
Gafta—appeals under Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the appeals process under the Grain and Feed Trade Association (Gafta) Arbitration Rules No. 125 (Gafta 125). It covers preliminary steps and time limits, the notice of appeal, the appointment of a Board of Appeal, security for sums awarded at first tier, oral hearings, release of the appeal award, appeals and challenges in the English court under the Arbitration Act 1996, costs and non-compliance with rules, time limits and directions. This topic may be referred to as the two-tier system in Gafta arbitration; the second tier appeal process in Gafta arbitration.

Gafta—commencing an arbitration under Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125
Gafta—commencing an arbitration under Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125
Practice notes

The Grain and Feed Trade Association (Gafta) is a trade association, based in London, which administers arbitrations in the international grain trade. This Practice Note introduces the Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125 (Gafta 125) and sets out the process for commencing (starting, initiating, referring) arbitration, including the time limits for claiming arbitration, service of a notice of intention, lapse of a claim, the appointment of a tribunal (sole arbitrator or three arbitrators), challenging jurisdiction and commencing the arbitration procedure.

Gafta—the arbitration process under Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125
Gafta—the arbitration process under Gafta Arbitration Rules No. 125
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the arbitration process under the Grain and Feed Trade Association (Gafta) Arbitration Rules No. 125 (Gafta 125) after a party has claimed (commenced) arbitration. The Practice Note covers the exchange of submissions, string arbitrations, hearings, trade representatives, determinations on paper, release of the arbitral award, deposits and costs, failure to comply with rules, orders and time limits, and naming of award defaulters.

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