TC Young LLP



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Claire Mullen
Associate Solicitor
TC Young LLP
Contributions by TC Young LLP Experts


Assured and short assured tenancies—Scotland
Assured and short assured tenancies—Scotland
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers assured and short assured tenancies in Scotland created between 2 January 1989 until 30 November 2017.

Private residential tenancies—Scotland
Private residential tenancies—Scotland
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers private residential tenancies (PRTs) in force in Scotland from 1 December 2017.

Regulation of the Private Rented Sector—Scotland
Regulation of the Private Rented Sector—Scotland
Practice notes

This Practice Note discusses the regulation of the private rented sector in respect of landlords and letting agents in Scotland and includes Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing requirements.

Short-term let licences–Scotland—requirements
Short-term let licences–Scotland—requirements
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers what a short-term let (STL) is in Scotland, when a licence is required for operators of STL accommodation pursuant to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022, what kind of licences are available, exemptions and the legal requirements for a STL.

Other Work
Comparison between assured and short assured tenancies and PRTs—Scotland—checklist
Comparison between assured and short assured tenancies and PRTs—Scotland—checklist

This Checklist considers and compares the differences between assured and short assured tenancies in Scotland created between 2 January 1989 until 30 November 2017 pursuant to the Housing (Scotland) Act 1988 (H(S)A 1988) (the ‘1988 Regime’), and private residential tenancies (PRTs) pursuant to the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 (PH(T)(S)A 2016) in force in Scotland from 1 December 2017 (the ‘2016 Regime’).

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