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Carolina Mauro
Executive Board Member / Legal Counsel
Cemre Kadioglu Kumtepe
Executive Board Member - Publications Team Co-chair / PhD Candidate
Robert-Razvan Iatan
Publications Volunteer
Wendy Gonzales
Founder / Legal Counsel
Contributions by CyberArb Experts


Declarations and undertakings—tribunal secretary (acceptance, independence, impartiality, confidentiality and availability)
Declarations and undertakings—tribunal secretary (acceptance, independence, impartiality, confidentiality and availability)

This Precedent is drafted in accordance with international best practice in mind. It provides a useful precedent to use during the appointment of a tribunal secretary.

Letter of declarations and undertakings—tribunal secretary
Letter of declarations and undertakings—tribunal secretary

This Precedent is a letter for use by tribunals and tribunal secretaries on acceptance of appointments providing declarations of impartiality, confidentiality and availability.

Other Work
Checklist for Arbitrators on Cybersecurity
Checklist for Arbitrators on Cybersecurity

This Checklist contains a list of the key steps for arbitrators’ consideration, covering the whole life cycle of a proceeding. The Checklist is broken down into both legal and technical steps to ensure data security throughout an arbitration.

Checklist for arbitrators on the use of AI in international arbitration
Checklist for arbitrators on the use of AI in international arbitration

This Checklist aims to set out the key steps for consideration by arbitrators when using artificial intelligence systems or when AI is used in arbitral proceedings.

Checklist for Arbitrators on the Use of Social Media and the Duty of Impartiality—the cybersecurity approach to arbitration
Checklist for Arbitrators on the Use of Social Media and the Duty of Impartiality—the cybersecurity approach to arbitration

This Checklist provides a list of steps for arbitrators to protect their online identity, uphold their duty of impartiality and communicate disclosure obligations.

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