Child and Family Law Quarterly Submissions
The Editors welcome the submission of material for consideration for publication. Material submitted should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for publication in any other journal. Authors should submit a statement to that effect. Substantive guidance may be obtained by contacting the publisher.
All submissions and editorial correspondence should be sent to the Journals Manager:
Contributions can only be accepted provided that all copyright clearances have been obtained by the author.
Submission Format
Material should be supplied electronically. Electronic format is preferred in MS Word for Windows by email. Documents prepared on a Macintosh must be converted for Windows compatibility.
Author's Details
Author's name should appear after the submission title with an asterisk. Your position and affilitiation should appear next to the asterisk above your first footnote at the bottom of the first page of your main text. Full address(es) for receipt of proofs and payment should be given separately.
Proofs, Payment and Offprints
Proofs are sent to the first named author only. It is that author's responsibility to liaise with any co-author(s) with regard to proof corrections. Upon publication each author will be sent a copy of that issue, 25 free offprints, and a letter detailing payment. Payment will be made to the first named author, in full, shortly after receipt of that letter. Again, it is that author's responsibility to split the cheque between any co-author(s).
House Style
The preferred house style is available for download, please click here.
Please note that CFLQ does NOT use the Harvard style of referencing. Authors should ensure that all citations and references are complete and accurate and that any cross-references to pages or footnotes are completed correctly. In particular, it is important to provide precise page references for all quotations and references to statistics.
The footnote/endnote feature of Microsoft Word for Windows should be used in submitted material.
Open Access policy
Our Open Access policy is fully compliant with policies of both the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and Research Councils UK (RCUK) guidelines. Further details can be found here.
Research repositories
Child and Family Law Quarterly is now available on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and HeinOnline. SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. HeinOnline is a premier online research product with more than 70 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format.